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Advanced Prescriptives - for the latest technology to target specific skin conditions

BG Green button.jpg Nano C2

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Age Management

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Pigment Control

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Night Assist

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Hydra Max
BG Green button.jpg Rewind and Reactivate
BG Green button.jpg Return to Skincare

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Nano C2(airless jar) 55ml

A highly active and concentrated formulation of anti-oxidants with a unique patented form of nano delivered Vitamin C encapsulated by a protein di-peptide, to help re-contour the face where needed and to assist in reversing the signs of ageing. The active ingredients have been shown to help to extend cellular life span, maintaining a more youthful and radiant complexion. Best applied at night to required areas only.

- Stabilised L-Acorbic Acid at a concentration of 25% encapsulated

in a nano delivery system shown to protect and strengthen
collagen fibres

- Protein L-Carnosine helps with intensive skin rejuvenation and helps

prevent premature ageing

- High in antioxidants Beta Carotene, Vit A + E to protect the skin

from free radical damage